Monday, February 28, 2011

I have been reading an old school mates blog and realized I hadn't discuss in my blog my earlier life. I shall begin with Dan Lieberman who was my first husband. I met him in San Francisco, we went to Europe together back in 1965 - 1966. We spent a whole year there. We had saved $1000. There was a book out then entitled "Europe on $5 a Day" We prided ourselves on living in Europe for less. We flew into Luxenburg on Icelantic Airlines. We first drove a car for a company that we were to deliver in New York. Then we took Icelantic Airlines to Luxenburg. It was less than $200 for one of us. We got to Luxenburg and hitch-hiked to Paris. We didn't stay very long in Paris, maybe a couple of days, because we were going to go back, so we thought later. It was in late April near Easter. We got picked up by 2 Greek guest workers who were working in a Sacandinavian country. It was a Mad Hatter drive to Paris on two lane winding roads at what I felt was 50 miles an hour. We left Paris and hitch hiked to the south of France. While in Bieritz we decided to stop taking chance with rides and bought ourselves this Vespa.

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