Friday, November 06, 2009

This is Ilorona. She needs a good home. The photo was take many years ago in my condo. She would periodically run away because she was being hurrassed by my other cat Oreol. When I moved in to my husband's house about 4 years ago, I couldn't find her to bring her. Every time I went back to see my tenants, I would call for her, but she never answered. Then this week I went back to get the rent and as I was driving out of the underground parking I saw her walking in the garage. I jumped out of the car and called her. She stopped in her tracks and started to cry, that's why I call her Llorana. It means Cryer or one who cries in the femine. I brought her home and she is now living in my computer room. She needs a better home, becuase her tormentor still live with me and I am afraid he will attack her when I leave her out of the room. So I am looking for a good loving home for her. Any takers?

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