Sunday, August 07, 2005

This is the match to the male Mexican Aztec dancer which I previously posted. I have taken a lot of Mexican folk dancers. I think they are vibrant, colorful and fun to shot. I began with my first college photography class in Sacramento and many of them are taken at Mexican festival. This one was taken here in Los Angeles at Olivara Street. For people who don't live in Los Angeles, it's the Los Angeles version of what a Mexican street market would be. It was actually built on the site of what once was Los Angeles' original Chinese neighborhood. The Chinese do have their own Chinatown, which is about 4 blocks down from Olivera St. I have photographed it also. It and Olivera Street are popular tourist attractions, but don't really speak to the reality of what life is and was for these immigrant groups. How ever their facades are photographic.

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