Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Long Beach, CA is a cat on a hot tin roof today 7/13/2018.  The beautiful sun I love so much, has become oppressive.  Thanks to the Koch (Kock Brothers who have hung the earth to dry on dicks made of black gold).  Their denial of climate change has helped created it. Remember 360.org, & Steven Hawking, their predictions are happening as I walk among cracks on the hot black tar Long Beach ghetto alley next to and in back of my house. There are multi colored, poor people from all over the world who are my gente. They are walking in front, and in back of me. They like I burn under the suns penetrating rays which paints black ink palm tree, human forms, and tipping buildings silhouettes on hot cement. We past garbage in the middle of the alley and over the pregnant garbage bin, along with a naked toilet seat, and a child’s stroller.  This heat creates piercing sun rays of dirty yellow fire brown.  There are many wild fires raging in my Golden State on my way to get some money out of my ATM.  I needed to pay V who is my gardener and house watcher.  I want to give him some money I owe him tonight.  Going to the ATM pilgrimage to capitalism became an oppressive experience which I had to write about. The heat scorched me when I tried to take the money out of the ATM.  It seared my eyes with glass glare from the sun, while it burned my back.  I needed to be positive to combat this oppressive heat.  I need to remember the weather is great when the sun shines and the wind comes off the ocean to cool the sun. Long Beach has cooling winds that cool the sun-drenched rays that cascade over glimmering blue sea and sky with melting horizons. I love walking in my neighborhood then.  It is lovely to do because there is always something blooming.  My cactus grew bright pink spiky flowers in the 2 weeks I was away on my Eastern European Trip. I love eating and looking down Pine Street under its changing evening skies and enjoy the pink Jacaranda trees framing the sunset on the oceans
Yet in the alley on my pilgrimage to the capitalist ATM shrine, I couldn’t help thinking of that racist saying: “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun,” They did it to create a money grabbing, gold seeking empire, sucking brown human blood empire. And my money is no different under this capitalist system. I get paid from the Teacher’s Union Pension Fund, which invest in wall street.  Creating the need of money which feeds another greedy empire built on the brown, black and white human labor while destroying the earth.  Aha! the contradictions of capitalism all this to pay a friend who helps me. Welcome to Global Warming created by Capitalism.  I got to fight harder before it is too, too late!!!!

Soy Del Pueblo Presenst Historic Prague Czech Republic

Historic Prague, Czech
Panoramic view of Prague’s
historic sites between 7-16 & 17, 2018, beginning with the Central Square Romanesque
and Gothic architecture to the Vltava River and Charles Bridge named after a
great king.