Friday, November 13, 2015

Coming out of the Shadows with Mitchell Jimenez Hernandez

I produced this video as the proud daughter of an
undocumented worker, Anthony Alvarado, who came to the US in 1920 when he was 3
years old. Unlike Donald Trump's racist lies about Mexican undocumented students
and workers they were not sent by Mexico to the US.  Like my father and my immigrant family, they
ran away from Mexico's corrupt government that breeds poverty, hunger, and
starvation wages.  They came here to study,
work and contribute to the US.  My father
did by volunteering and fighting in WWII for this country, becoming a citizen,
working hard, raising a family, owning a small business, and paying his taxes
before he died in 2007.  The annexation
of half of Mexico by the US in 1850 is one of the reasons Mexico is so
poor.  When we cross the border, we are
crossing into a land that was once our own. 
The true illegal aliens are Donald Trump and his racist followers who
blame the victims of their corporate empires in order to obfuscate their
rapacious grab for money and power. Ultimately the Dreamers are the future.
They, like all the majority of documented and undocumented immigrants before
them, will enrich the country and give it more than they take.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

A Room of Her Own by Sandra Cisneros

My interview with Sandra Cisneros about "A Room of Her Own" alter dedicated to mother. It was unveiled on October 30, 2015 at the Museum of Latin American Art, in Long Beach for the Day of the Dead Fundraiser Event.