Thursday, December 19, 2013

Belem, Lisbon, Portugal - The Alfama Fado Music - Scenes of Spain - Jorge Aruzaga a Spanish Hunger Striker

My husband and I spent a month in Portugal and Spain.  Here are videos I did of Belem an historical area of Lisbon, Portugal.  I was most impressed with the Berardo Collection Museum. Its collection covers all the major movements of the 20th and 21st century.  We stayed to very nice young men who took us to hear Fado Music in the oldest part of Lisbon, the Alfama. Next video are scenes from Madrid, Spain, I emphasize the Royal Palace and its gardens with a musical accompaniment by a street violinist.  Finally I interview Jorge Aruzaga a young Spanish hunger striker protesting the government's handling of the grave Spanish economic crisis

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Videos I did for AllCare Alliance discussing why we need single payer health care

Here are some of my most recent videos:

Here is another reason why we need single payer health care

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Yesterday Occupy Long Beach joined's national day of protest to stop fracking to extract oil from tar sand.  In March there was a similar demonstration in Los Angeles.  This is a video I produced of that demonstration.

Coalition for a Safe Environment Video

In this video I produced Jesse Marquez of Coalition for a Safe Environment discusses the environmental impact of the 710 Freeway expansion to allow more diesel truck traffic to and from the Long Beach/Los Angeles Port

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My most recent video is of a demonstration in support of Best Western employees after they had been fired in order not to comply with Long Beach Proposition N, which gave them a living wage, and 64% of Long Beach voters passed it.

Recently I have been doing videos on labor issues.  This is a demonstration in support of Walmart workers.
I started to do videos with this slide show.  Where I discuss A exhibit of street art at LA Museum of Contemporary Art and capitalism.
This is one of my first videos that I did when I started to do full videos