Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm leaving for Europe again tomorrow June 23, 2006. I haven't written in this blog for a long while. Many things have been happening in my life. I got married. Barry Saks, my husband and I also took our family on three day cruise to Ensenada. They loved it. I should have published some of the photos I took before the wedding and on that trip, but I haven't had the time. We got married on April 14, 2006. It was a Friday in our home, and we boarded the cruise ship the Paradise an hour later. It was only about a mile away from our house.
I have been living with him for a year, and we decided it would be a good idea to get married. Now we are going on another cruise to Europe. Although I am looking forward to this cruise, I really would have perferred go at another time. I'm only getting one week off from work, and I don't like the fact that we will only stay one day in each city. We board the ship in Barcelona, Spain, but I will not be able to see the city, because when we come back we have to come directly home, so I can get ready to go to work on July 5, 2006. The cruise was originally my sister Judy's idea, after we put a down payment on the cruise she decides she can't afford it and loses her $500 deposit. We decided to go do it anyway and I didn't want to lose the deposit. I would have preferred to go at the end of August when I have 2 weeks off. I would also have preferred to fly into cities and stay in them longer.
The photo I posted before this were taken on June 11, 2006 when my best friend Dr. Margret Oakes came to visit me from Las Vegas. She was beginning her summer vacation. She teach at the University there and decided to come down and visit. We had a great Sunday after noon. We had a great breakst at the Long Beach Museum of Art which has a great ocean view. Then we went to Shoreline Village and took a water taxie around the city. I have enclosed a photo of the Long Beach AquBus and the others are of Naples Canal. It is a hidden treasure of Long Beach, which I love to take visitors to. The gandola makes it even more romantic.