Sunday, January 29, 2006

An Atheist Prayer
Agains Holy Wars
Where is god when Muslim kill 3,000 in New York,
While Jews kill Palestinians,
And Christians declare war on Muslim babies?
Where is god?
Did he get lost in the Torah,
Or misplaced in the Koran?
Where is he hiding in the books of the Bible?
Was his message of peace and loving one's enemy written in Braille,
Which can not be read by religious men and women
Blinded by self-righteousness?
Did his children kill him
When they destroy each other in his name.
Where is god
When Jews declare jihad in his holy land,
While Muslim crusaders burn towers of human flesh,
And Christian soldiers rain fire
On the sacred shrines of the Muslim saints Hussein and Alli?
Oh how I pray and wish there were a god
Who confronted his orphaned children.
I wish there were an all powerful god
Who could destroy weapons of mass destruction.
I wish there were a god
whose infinite love would kiss men's hateful hearts.
I wish and pray there were a god
And the world would find him
And he would end this insanity.