Friday, July 29, 2005

This is a more recent photo of me with my dog Jake. Barry and I took him on road trip from Long Beach up the coast to San Franciso, Sacramento, and back last summer Posted by Picasa

This was a color photo that I didn't like so I changed it to black and white Posted by Picasa

I manipulated this photo with PhotoShop to make it look like a watercolor. But at this size I don't think you can see it. Posted by Picasa

This photo was taken at a Mexican Independance Celebration in Sacramento California about 1974 Posted by Picasa

I like shooting Mexican Folk Dancers. This was taken on Oivera Street in LA Posted by Picasa

This is Smokey. He is part Maine Coon Cat. They are extremely loveable cats. I rescued him and his brother TJ from the street, when they were kittens. I have resued many cats. If I can't find homes for them, I keep them. But I fell in love with him, and didn't give him up. He likes to sleep in this crazy position that I find so funny. Posted by Picasa

These are TJ (Tom Jr) and Tom. They are not related, but are great friends. They look a like that's why I call TJ Tom Jr. They were cat I found on the street and rescued. Posted by Picasa

This is a great view from San Francisco's Legion of Honor Museum Posted by Picasa

This is part of the San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts. I took the photo on my vacation. Although I have lived in San Francisco, during the 1960. I lived on the Panhandle near Haight  Posted by Picasa

It looks like a canon, but it's really and old rusted out tractor. Found it in Aubrn, CA Posted by Picasa

Here I am when I was a blond. I am now a redhead. The picture was taken when I was on vacation visiting my Aunt Irene in Sacramento, CA, however the picture was taken in Aubrn. It was an important mining town during the California Gold Rush. Posted by Picasa

This describes how I feel about SUV's and Cars fueled by oil. I went to LA State University where the engineering department built a car that ran on solar engery and came in 3rd in a race across the Australian desert. We don't need oil to run our cars, especially we who live in sunny California! Posted by Picasa

There has been a lot of immigrant bashing recently, and now with 911 the movement to stop racism has to be even stronger. Posted by Picasa

It was a big demonstartion with people from all over the Los Angeles basin Posted by Picasa

This is rather dated since the bush wacker is now president. Posted by Picasa

The beginning of the antiwar demonstartion. Posted by Picasa

This was one of my favorite protest signs. They past by so fast sometimes I didn't have time to get them all. Posted by Picasa

The following photos are of the Peace Rally we had in Los Angeles on Hollywood Blvd. just before the war. How naive we were to think we stop the war mongers who hold the realy power in this country. Posted by Picasa

This is the Long Beach Convention Center Posted by Picasa

This is the Long Beach Museum of Art. They have a great little restaurant which is reasonably priced with a spectacular ocean view. Posted by Picasa

This is my favorite crepe restuarant on Ocean Blvd. in Long Beach. I took these photos of my visiting relatives in April 2005. The restuarant has since closed because of water damage from a broken water pipe. Posted by Picasa

These are my Aunt Mary Martinez and Irene Rameriz. They're in my living room. The house is 100 years old and the photos above the fireplace is my boyfriend Barry's grandfather. Posted by Picasa

Here are my Aunt Irene Ramirez, my sister Judi Kissane, and my boyfriend Barry Saks. I possed them as a joke. My sister and aunt were here on vacation. Posted by Picasa

These are a class from about 2003. Posted by Picasa

This is another class of mine. Posted by Picasa